As we gladly turn the page on this challenging year, looking with hope into 2021, 'new year's resolutions' start to spark in everyone's thoughts.
How do I become a better person? How can I be happier? What can I do to move in the right direction in my life?
With a deep interest in Interior Design, I have come across the minimalist movement many times, and let me tell you that I enjoy much the pictures of calm and simplified living rooms, either warm or cold colored tones, in modern and classic styles.

What does this movement claim? Living with less.
The less you have, the less you need to maintain, the less clutter to stress with. Spend more time being rather than buying. Experiences over things. The intent of a meaningful living.
It sounds hard but worth it.
Avoiding debt originated just for spending sounds like an elevated and financially good goal for the year.
A meaningful living is kind of a wide goal to set. What are they talking about?

Have you heard The Minimalists podcast about this subject? They share how they felt at the beginning of the journey when they started getting rid of their excessive things.
They describe a satisfaction, a feeling of 'room for breathing', but also some emptiness and discomfort too.
This sounds very honest and human to me! Imagine yourself taking away things at home, reducing the amount of clothing you have, social media you use, and whatever that you realize takes time from you, that it shouldn't be happening.
So, how did they 'fix' this? How did they fill the new void? "To live a purposeful life surround yourself with purpose-filled people". Getting surrounded by loved ones, by people who think like you.
That video is very short, but very real because it applies to everybody.
Everyone, all of us, are always in a constant search of what we don't know, that will fill us, make us better.
Which one is the best path? Which one is worth to empty ourselves, give ourselves -painfully-, to allow us to be filled?
Well dear you, love is the only answer.
Not any love, a selfish love, a material love. Only the One who made you, who sustains you right now, and who loves you more than anyone is the answer. The One who is constantly looking for you.
How or where can I find Him? God is actually very gentle and speaks in quietness, definitely not too evident to the world.
You can find him in the gift of yourself to others. Your family, your friends, your neighbors. Whoever needs you.
You get closer to Him when you do something -that you don't want to do- for others. At home, you don't even need to travel to find Him or get any closer!
Does minimalism fit you? Will it help you deepen the relationship with the only One that will fill you? I'm sure it will help.
Parting with things that you are not using is very much think about others who can use them. Avoid making material things your #1 priority in life, becoming detached, being thankful for what you have received already (even before getting rid of your stuff!) sound very much on the right path.
You can become a minimalist or not. You can start implementing some of these principles at home. But never forget the reason: "let everything you do be done in love."
With love and wishing you a warm and meaningful start in this new year,

PS: If you are personally in the look of a deeper relationship with God, check out this video from Bishop Barron about how actually He is looking for you and how we all should re-think our spiritual life.